John E. AngellPh.D.

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Professor Emeritus
Justice Center


  • Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1975


John E. Angell, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University and joined the University of Alaska in 1975. He served as Assistant Director of the Justice Center from 1975 to 1979 and in 1979 became Director. In 1988 Dr. Angell accepted an appointment as Executive Director of the Department of Justice Services for Multnomah County, Oregon. He returned to the position of Director of the Justice Center in 1990 and remained Director until his retirement in 1997.

Dr. Angell is the author of numerous publications and papers concerning crime, the administration of justice and community policing, including Police Administration (New York: McGraw Hill, 1991) and Public Safety and the Justice System in Alaskan Native Villages (Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing, 1982). He has been a member and officer of many professional and community organizations, including the Executive Board of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences and the NAACP.

See  on the Justice Center blog.

Research Interests

  • Police administration
  • Community policing
  • Rural justice