
Students found responsible for violating 老澳门六合彩开奖记录's alcohol or drug policies are subject to the following minimum sanctions as a result of the student conduct process.

  • Alcohol and Marijuana Violations
    • Disciplinary probation for 4 months;
    • Either an Alcohol Screening (AUDIT) and/or a Cannabis Screening (CUDIT) with the Alcohol, Drug, & Wellness Educator, plus a follow-up meeting one month after the initial screening;
    • Completion of an online alcohol education class (Under the Influence) or the online marijuana education class (Marijuana 101); 
    • $50 Alcohol and Drug Education Fee; 
    • Parent notification (if you are under 21 years old); and
    • A possible discretionary sanction (i.e., a writing assignment or a campus and community involvement activity).
    • Disciplinary probation extended 8 months; 
    • Meeting with a Student Health & Counseling Center professional for a mandated assessment; 
    • $75 Alcohol and Drug Education Fee; 
    • Parent notification (if you are under 21 years old); and 
    • A possible discretionary sanction (i.e., a writing assignment or a campus and community involvement activity).
    • Disciplinary probation extended 12 months; 
    • Follow-up meeting with a Student Health & Counseling Center professional to discuss previous assessment and barriers to change; 
    • Meeting with the Director of Student Conduct & Ethical Development;
    • Termination of housing;
    • Restriction from the University of Alaska's residential communities; 
    • Warning that any further incidents of student misconduct may result in major sanctions (suspension or expulsion); 
    • $75 Alcohol and Drug Education Fee; and 
    • Parent notification (if you are under 21 years old).
    • Two-year suspension with 24 months disciplinary probation upon re-enrollment; and
    • Obtain a off-campus substance abuse assessment and comply with any recommendations for treatment.
  • Personal Use of Other Drugs (i.e., Cocaine, Methamphetamines, LSD, etc.)
    • Disciplinary probation for 8 months; 
    • Meeting with a Student Health & Counseling Center professional for a mandated assessment; 
    • Completion of the online drug education class, Other Drugs;
    • Meeting with the Director of Student Conduct & Ethical Development;
    • Restriction from the University of Alaska's residential communities; 
    • Warning that any further instances of student misconduct may result in major sanctions (suspension or expulsion); 
    • $50 Alcohol and Drug Education Fee; and 
    • Parent notification if you are under 21 years old.
    • Two-year suspension with 24 months of disciplinary probation upon re-enrollment; and 
    • Obtain an off-campus substance abuse assessment and comply with any recommendations for treatment.
  • Misuse of Prescription Drugs, Illegal Possession of Prescription Drugs, Abuse of Over-the-Counter Drugs, Mushrooms, or Spice
    • Disciplinary probation for 8 months; 
    • Drug screening (DAST) with the Alcohol, Drug, & Wellness Educator, plus a follow-up meeting one month after the initial screening;
    • Completion of the online drug education class, Other Drugs;
    • $50 Alcohol and Drug Education Fee; 
    • Parent notification if you are under 21 years old; and
    • A possible discretionary sanction (i.e., a writing assignment or a campus or community involvement activity). 
    • Disciplinary probation extended for 12 months; 
    • Meeting with a Student Health & Counseling Center professional for a mandated assessment; 
    • Meeting with the Director of Student Conduct & Ethical Development; 
    • Termination of housing; 
    • Restriction from the University of Alaska's residential communities; 
    • Warning that any other instances of student misconduct may result in major sanctions (suspension or expulsion); 
    • $75 Alcohol and Drug Education Fee; and
    • Parent notification if you are under 21 years old. 
    • Two-year suspension with 24 months of disciplinary probation upon re-enrollment; and
    • Obtain an off-campus substance abuse assessment and comply with any recommendations for treatment.
  • Sale or Distribution of Marijuana, Edibles, Prescription Pills, or Mushrooms
    • Disciplinary probation for 8 months;
    • Meeting with a Student Health & Counseling Center professional for a mandated assessment; 
    • Completion of the online marijuana education class, Marijuana 101, or the drug education class, Other Drugs;
    • Meeting with the Director of Student Conduct & Ethical Development; 
    • Termination of housing agreement; 
    • Restriction from the University of Alaska's residential communities; 
    • Warning that any other incidents of student misconduct may result in major sanctions (suspension or expulsion); 
    • $50 Alcohol and Drug Education Fee; 
    • Parent notification if you are under 21 years old;
    • A possible discretionary sanction (i.e., a writing assignment or a campus or community involvement activity).
    • Two-year suspension with 24 months disciplinary probation upon re-enrollment; and 
    • Obtain an off-campus substance abuse assessment and comply with any recommendations for treatment.
  • Sale or Distribution of Other Drugs (i.e., Cocaine, Methamphetamines, LSD, etc.)
    • Two-year disciplinary probation with 24 months disciplinary probation upon re-enrollment; and
    • Obtain an off-campus substance abuse assessment and comply with any recommendations for treatment.

University Police may also issue citations or arrests, including but not limited, for the following criminal offenses:

  • Minor Consuming Alcohol (MCA);
  • Furnishing Alcohol to Minors;
  • Driving While Intoxicated (DWI);
  • Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance; and
  • Disorderly Conduct.