HR Topic Series launches with 'How To See Into Your Biggest Blind Spot' Aug. 21

by UA Human Resources  |   

UA Human Resources Labor and Employee Engagement will be hosting a new Topic Series, which is meant to be a platform for provoking thoughtful and meaningful discussions between UA employees. It operates similar to a book club. You can view topics and sign up for each monthly discussion through the .

Each month a new article of interest will be chosen. Individuals interested in participating in the hour-long discussion will read the article prior to the meeting date, and sign up to be a part of the discussion.

Space will be limited to the first 25 individuals. This is so everyone will have an opportunity to participate.

August鈥檚 article is by Christine Comaford. The meeting will be Aug. 21, from noon to 1 p.m. to participate in the discussion. You will receive the Zoom link prior to the meeting date.

We look forward to meeting you!

鈥擳he Labor and Employee Engagement Team

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