Undecided on a major? Explore options at next My Major Discovery session Oct. 13, 2017

by Michelle Saport  |   

Explore options at next My Major Discovery session Sept. 29My Major Discovery - Series 1 and 2 Friday, Oct. 13, 10 a.m.-noon University Hub - Wells Fargo Sports Complex, Room 142

My Major Discovery - Series 3 and 4 Friday, Oct. 13, noon-2 p.m. University Hub - Wells Fargo Sports Complex, Room 142

Each two-hour session in the My Major Discovery series guides you to your major. The first session (Series 1 and 2) is a journey of self-discovery exploring your interest and values in relation to your career. The second session (Series 3 and 4) will explore the alignments of your major with possible careers.

Learn more and register at the Compass Workshops website.

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