Win a free iPod and help with student research!

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

Ashley M. Barrera, a senior in the Department of Psychology is conducting a study on family, social and cultural relationships.

The study asks participants to respond to questions about their relationships with their parents, friends and peers as well as their beliefs about how people should interact with others and within society. The study takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Participants MUST meet the following criteria:

1. Be between the ages of 18 and 24
2. Must be unmarried
3. Participants may not have children of their own
4. Participants must be undergraduate students

At the end of the survey participants will be directed to a page where they can enter their e-mail address into a drawing to win a free iPod Shuffle. The drawing will be held on Friday, April 10.

All survey responses will be confidential. E-mail addresses provided by the participants will not be linked to survey responses. The winning participant will be notified by e-mail and provided with contact information for the primary researcher Ashley M. Barrera.

Please contact Ashley M. Barrera, primary researcher, at with any questions.

To participate in the survery, click the link below. You may have to copy and paste the link into your web browser.

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