NWCCU Standard 2 – Governance, Resources, & Capacity

The institution articulates its commitment to a structure of governance that is inclusive in its planning and decision-making. Through its planning, operational activities, and allocation of resources, the institution demonstrates a commitment to student learning and achievement in an environment respectful of meaningful discourse.

2.A. Governance

2.B. Academic Freedom

  • 2.B.1 Academic Freedom

    Within the context of its mission and values, the institution adheres to the principles of academic freedom and independence that protect its constituencies from inappropriate internal and external influences, pressures, and harassment.

    Required Evidence for 2.B.1:

    Academic freedom policies and procedures (evidence could include samples of negotiated agreements with faculty and/or staff, where appropriate)

    • - Article 6, Academic Freedom and Responsibility (page 10)

    Evidence that the students also have academic freedom

  • 2.B.2 Supporting Independent Thought

    Within the context of its mission and values, the institution defines and actively promotes an environment that supports independent thought in the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. It affirms the freedom of faculty, staff, administrators, and students to share their scholarship and reasoned conclusions with others. While the institution and individuals within the institution may hold to a particular personal, social, or religious philosophy, its constituencies are intellectually free to test and examine all knowledge and theories, thought, reason, and perspectives of truth. Individuals within the institution allow others the freedom to do the same.

    No additional evidence required, see 2.B.1

2.C. Policies and Procedures

  • 2.C.1 Transfer of Credit

    The institution’s transfer-of-credit policy maintains the integrity of its programs and facilitates the efficient mobility of students desirous of the completion of their educational credits, credentials, or degrees in furtherance of their academic goals.

    Required Evidence for 2.C.1:

    Transfer of credit policies and procedures

    • and - Transfer of Credit

    Additional Evidence for 2.C.1:

  • 2.C.2 Student Rights and Responsibilities

    The institution’s policies and procedures related to student rights and responsibilities should include, but not be limited to, provisions related to academic honesty, conduct, appeals, grievances, and accommodations for persons with disabilities.

    Required Evidence for 2.C.2:

    Documentation of student’s rights and responsibilities policies and procedures, which include:

    Student's rights and responsibilities

    • - Rights: Freedom from Discrimination; Fair and Impartial Academic Evaluation and Recourse through Orderly Procedures; Free Inquiry and Expression; Access to their Own Personnel and Education Records and to Confidential Records; Participation through Student Representatives in Formulating and Evaluating Institutional Policies; Freedom to Organize and Join Associations; Freedom to Protest in a Manner Which Does Not Obstruct or Disrupt Teaching, Research, Administration, or Other Activities; Academic Environment Conducive to Intellectual Freedom; Fundamentally Fair and Orderly Disciplinary Process; Right to Access Accurate Information Regarding Tuition, Fees, and Charges, Course Availability, General Requirements for Establishing and Maintaining Acceptable Academic Standing, and Graduation Requirements. Responsibilities: Knowing, Understanding, and Complying with Student Code of Conduct.
    • - Freedom of Expression; Freedom of Access; Freedom of Association; Freedom from Unreasonable Search/Seizure; Student Participation in Institutional Government; Maintaining a Positive Learning Environment
    • - Academic Dispute Resolution Procedure; see Academic Honesty section for a brief description of Academic Integrity and link to Student Code of Conduct in the ϰϲʿ¼ Student Handbook
    • - Notice of Nondiscrimination; Biographic/ Demographic Information, Campus Diversity and Compliance, Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, Computer Use and Software Copyright Policy; Copyright and Intellectual Property; Drug-Free Schools Notification; Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); Free Speech and Academic Inquiry; Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct Policy; Harassment
    • ϰϲʿ¼ Annual FERPA Notification Email

    Academic honesty


    Appeals, grievances

    Accommodations for persons with disabilities

    Additional Evidence for 2.C.2:

  • 2.C.3 Admissions, Placement, Continuation, Termination, Appeals, Re-Admission

    The institution’s academic and administrative policies and procedures should include admission and placement policies that guide the enrollment of students in courses and programs through an evaluation of prerequisite knowledge, skills, and abilities to ensure a reasonable probability of student success at a level commensurate with the institution’s expectations. Such policies should also include a policy regarding continuation in and termination from its educational programs, including its appeal and re-admission policy.

    Required Evidence for 2.C.3:

    Policies and procedures for recruiting, admitting, and placing students

    Policies/procedures related to continuation and termination from educational programs including appeal process and readmission policies/procedures

    • - General Undergraduate Admission Information section includes Length of Admissions
    • - Academic Action section includes Academic Disqualification, Reinstatement, and Departmental Probation or Removal from a Major Program
    • - The Academic Standing section includes reapplying after Academic Disqualification. There is also a Reinstatement to Graduate Degree-Seeking Status section for students who lost their status due to failure to register, voluntary withdrawal from their program, or failure to obtain an official Leave of Absence.
    • - This is the process used for appeals of dismissal from an academic program.

    Additional Evidence for 2.C.3:

  • 2.C.4 Student Records

    The institution’s policies and procedures regarding the secure retention of student records must include provisions related to confidentiality, release, and the reliable backup and retrievability of such records.

    Required Evidence for 2.C.4:

    Policies/procedures regarding secure retention of student records, (i.e., back-up, confidentiality, release, protection from cybersecurity issues or other emergencies)

    Additional Evidence for 2.C.4:

2.D. Institutional Integrity

2.E. Financial Resources

2.F. Human Resources

2.G. Student Support Resources

2.H. Library and Information Resources

  • 2.H.1 Library and Information Resources

    Consistent with its mission, the institution employs qualified personnel and provides access to library and information resources with a level of currency, depth, and breadth sufficient to support and sustain the institution’s mission, programs, and services.

    Required Evidence for 2.H.1:

    Procedures for assessing adequacy of library collections

    • - Website

    Library planning committee and procedures for planning and collection development

    Library instruction plan; policies/procedures related to the use of library and information resources

    • - Website
    • - Website

    Library staffing information; policies/procedures that explains faculty/library partnership for assuring library and information resources are integrated into the learning process

    • - Website
    • - Website
    • - Website

    Additional Evidence for 2.H.1:

    • - Website

2.I. Physical and Technology Infrastructure