Development and Travel Grants

The offers two grant opportunities for Faculty: Faculty Development Grants and Research Travel Grants. Please read Faculty Handbook, Chap IV for specifics regarding these two grant funds. A basic overview is provided below. These grants are awarded in two "rounds". Please see the application deadlines and other dates below.

Faculty Development Funds

The Faculty Development Fund exists to aid the growth and development of individual faculty members at this institution. Project proposals may involve creative activity, research, writing, training and study, and program development. Projects are ranked and funded on the basis of their merit.

Historically, the Awards Committee has given low scores to applicants for equipment or supplies not directly related to the specific development project. When a project proposal is contingent on the candidate's acceptance into an institute or seminar, a letter of support from the sponsoring organization is required before funds will be released. The Faculty Development Fund is not designed to recognize or compensate teaching activities.

Eligible faculty may apply for up to $3,000 in development funds per academic year. See the Faculty Handbook for limitations and details.

Research Travel Grants

Research travel grants are divided into two categories:

Category 1 -- Funds for travel to meetings for the purpose of presenting papers or actively participating in workshops, etc., for the PRESENTATION of research and/or creative activities.

Category 2 -- Funds for travel for the acquisition and/or processing of quantitative or qualitative data or samples and funds for travel for the purpose of developing proposals for creative activities and/or research.

Eligible faculty may apply for up to $750 in travel fund in each category per academic year. Travel funds may be used for transportation only. See the Faculty Handbook for details.

Application Dates and Deadlines

March 15Round I: For funds to be used or travel conducted during July 1-December 31. Award announcements will be made by April 15.

October 15Round II: For funds to be used or travel conducted during January 1-June 30. Award announcements will be made by November 15.

Application Forms and Links