Darren Van Deursen

Darren Van Deursen smiling in front of blurry trees
Simulation Specialist
HSB 101G


Darren is a seasoned simulation specialist with over 15 years of comprehensive medical experience across prehospital, hospital, and combat care settings. His expertise is rooted in his role as a simulation operator and program coordinator at the 673rd Med Group, where he dedicated 4.5 years to advancing healthcare simulation.  

During his tenure at the 673rd Med Group, Darren played a crucial role as a simulation operator and program coordinator. His responsibilities involved the coordination and execution of simulation exercises, providing invaluable hands-on experience to medical professionals in training. Darren's diverse background in prehospital, hospital, and combat care settings uniquely positions him to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application in healthcare simulation.

Darren is dedicated to leveraging his expertise to create immersive and realistic simulation experiences. His focus on authenticity and practical relevance in simulation design contributes to developing healthcare professionals who are well-prepared for the complexities of their respective fields.