Claudia Cannatelli, Ph.D.

Claudia Cannatelli
Assistant Professor
Geological Sciences


  • International Ph.D., University of Naples Federico II, 2007
  • M.S., Geosciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2006
  • M.S. Degree (Laurea) Physics (Geophysics), University of Rome 3, 2003


Dr. Cannatelli is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences where she teaches courses in mineralogy, petrology, and volcanology.

Her research is focused on the understanding of how the Earth麓s internal processes contribute to producing magmatism and volcanism. She investigates the roles that volatiles play in melting, crystallization, degassing, style and frequency of volcanic eruptions by combining melt inclusions studies and thermodynamic modeling.

Teaching Responsibilities

  • GEOL A321 Mineralogy
  • GEOL A492 Geology Seminar

Research Interests

Keywords: Volcanology, Melt Inclusions, Environmental Geochemistry

My background is broad and encompasses a number of the various areas that fall under the heading of Geosciences including petrology, geochemistry and volcanology. My research aims to model magmatic systems in active volcanic areas and understand how the Earth鈥檚 internal processes contribute to producing magmatism and volcanism. By combining geochemical data and thermodynamic modeling, classical mineralogy and experimental petrology study on silicate melt inclusions (SMIs), I focus my studies in the role that volatiles play in melting, crystallization, degassing, style and frequency of volcanic eruptions. Areas of research include Italy (Vesuvius, Phlegraean Fields, and Aeolian Islands), the Azores and Chile (Central and Southern Volcanic Zone).
The main aim of using SMIs is to trace the evolution of a rock from its source to the surface. While, a whole rock represents a final product of a series of processes occurring over a wide span of time, SMIs, ideally, represent a snapshot of a specific time within the time-span of the rock formation. For this reason, SMIs record information otherwise lost during subsequent processes of the rock formation. One of the most important pieces of information that are lost during crystallization and migration to the surface of magmas are the volatile concentration of early undegassed melt and the oxygen fugacity (fO2) of the mantle source region. In my studies I use major/trace element and pre-eruptive volatile contents of SMIs to build thermodynamic models and understand the systematic variations in slab input and the role played by location of arc volcanism. It is of paramount importance to better constrain the oxygen fugacity conditions at which magmas are sourced in the mantle wedge of subduction zones. Olivine-hosted SMIs are a useful tool to evaluate the subsequent post-melting redox history of magmas during storage, differentiation, and ascent.


(*indicates co-written with student)

Cannatelli C., Spera F.J., Bodnar R.J., Lima A., De Vivo B. (2020) Ground movement (bradyseism) in the Campi Flegrei volcanic area: a review. In: De Vivo B., Belkin H.E., Rolandi G. (eds) Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei, and Campanian Volcanism, Elsevier, p.407-434.

Cannatelli C. (2020) Tracing magma evolution at Vesuvius volcano using melt inclusions: a review. In: De Vivo B., Belkin H.E., Rolandi G. (eds) Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei, and Campanian Volcanism, Elsevier, p.121-140.
*Tassara, S., Reich, M., Cannatelli, C., Konecke, B.A., Kausel, D., Morgado, E., Simon, A.C., Fiege, A., Morata, D., Barra, F. (2020) 鈥淧ost-melting oxidation of highly primitive basalts from the southern Andes鈥. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 273, 291-312
Daniele L., Cannatelli C., Buscher J.T., Bonatici G. (2019) 鈥淐hemical composition of Chilean bottled waters: anomalous values and possible effects on human health. Science of Total Environment 689, 526-533.
Minolfi G., Petrik A., Albanese S., Lima A., Cannatelli C., Rezza C., De Vivo B. (2018) The distribution of Pb, Cu and Zn in topsoil of the Campanian Region, Italy. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 19(3), 205-215
Esposito R., Badescu K., Steele-MacInnis M., Cannatelli C., De Vivo B., Lima A., Bodnar R.J., Manning C.E. (2018) 鈥淒eciphering the evolution of H2O and CO2 during magmatic differentiation of the past 19 ka activity of the Campi Flegrei and Procida volcanic fields.鈥 Earth-Science Review 185, 325-356

Valenzuela M., Aravena-Gonzalez S., Moncada D., Cannatelli C., Mart铆nez-De Los R铆os R. (2018) Study of Three CO3 Carbonaceous Chondrites from the Atacama Desert, Chile. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contributions 2067

*Redi D., Cannatelli C., Esposito R., Lima A., Petrosino P., De Vivo B. (2017) Somma-Vesuvius鈥 activity: a mineral chemistry database. Mineralogy and Petrology 111, 43-67.
*Zamboni D., Trela J., Gazel E., Sobolev A.V., Cannatelli C., Lucchi F., Batanova V., De Vivo B. (2017) New insights into the Aeolian Islands and other arc source compositions from high-precision olivine chemistry. Lithos 272-273, 185-191.
Belkin H.E., Rolandi G., Jackson J.C., Cannatelli C., Doherty A.L., Petrosino P., De Vivo B. (2016) 鈥淢ineralogy and geochemistry of the older (> 40 ka) ignimbrites on the Campanian Plain, southern Italy鈥. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 323, 1-18.
Civitillo D., Ayuso R.A., Lima A., Albanese S., Esposito R., De Vivo B., Cannatelli C. (2016) Toxic elements distribution and Pb isotope studies on soils and tap waters to define baseline/background values in a high urbanized and industrialized area (Casoria Municipality, Naples, Italy). Environmental Earth Sciences.
*Zamboni D., Gazel E., Ryan J.G, Cannatelli C., Lucchi F., Atlas Z.D., Trela J., Mazza S.E., De Vivo B. (2016) Contrasting sediment melt and fluid signatures for magma components in the Aeolian Arc: Implications for numerical modeling of subduction systems. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. DOI: 10.1002/2016GC006301.
Cannatelli C., Doherty A.L., Esposito R., Lima A., De Vivo B. (2016) Understanding a volcano through a droplet: a melt inclusion approach. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 171, 4-19.
Esposito R., Lamadrid H.R., Redi D., Steele-MacInnis M., Bodnar R.J., Manning C.E., De Vivo B., Cannatelli C., and Lima A. (2016) Detection of liquid H2O in vapor bubbles in reheated melt inclusions: implications for magmatic fluid composition and volatile budgets of magmas? American Mineralogist, 101, 1691-1695.
Albanese S., Fontaine B., Chen W., Lima A., Cannatelli C., Piccolo A., Qi S., Wang M., De Vivo B. (2015) 鈥淧olycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the soils of a densely populated region and associated human health risks: the Campania Plain (Southern Italy) case study鈥. Environmental Geochemistry an Health 37(1), 1-20.
Arienzo M., Albanese S., Lima A., Cannatelli C., Aliberti F., Cicotti F., Qi S., De Vivo B. (2015) 鈥淎ssessment of the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides in soils from the Sarno River basin, Italy, and ecotoxicological survey by Daphnia magna鈥. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187(2), 52-65.
Buccianti A., Lima A., Albanese S., Cannatelli C., Esposito R., De Vivo B. (2015) 鈥淪oils geochemistry of Campania Region (Southern Italy): the CoDA (Compositional Data Analysis) perspective鈥. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 159, 302-316.
Wang M., Albanese S., Lima A., Cannatelli C., Cosenza A., Lu W., Sacchi M., Doherty A., De Vivo B. (2015) 鈥淐ompositional analysis and pollution impact assessment: A case study in the Gulfs of Naples and Salerno鈥. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 160, 22-32.
Sadeghi M., Albanese S., Morris G., Lademberger A., Andersson M., Cannatelli C., Lima A., De Vivo B. (2015) 鈥淩EE concentrations in agricultural soil in Sweden and Italy: Comparison of weak MMI庐 extraction with near total extraction data鈥. Applied Geochemistry 63, 22-36.
Cannatelli C. (2015) 鈥淏ubbles do matter鈥. American Mineralogist 100(7), 1335-1336.
Doherty A.L., Cannatelli C., Raia F., Belkin H.E., Albanese S., Lima A. and De Vivo B. (2015) 鈥淕eochemistry of selected lavas of the Panarea Volcanic Group, Aeolian Arc, Italy鈥. Mineralogy and Petrology 109(5), 597-610.
Bodnar R.J., Azbej T., Becker S.P., Cannatelli C., Fall A., Severs M.J. (2013) 鈥淲hole Earth geohydrologic cycle, from the clouds to the core: The distribution of water in the dynamic Earth system鈥. In Bickford M.E., ed., The Web of Geological Sciences: Advances, Impacts, and Interactions: Geological Society of America Special Paper 500, 431鈥461.
Cannatelli C. (2012) 鈥淢ulti-stage metasomatism in the lithosphere beneath the Veneto Volcanic Province (northern Italy)鈥. Mineralogy and Petrology 104, 177-195.
Cannatelli C. (2012) 鈥淯nderstanding magma evolution at Campi Flegrei (Campania, Italy) volcanic complex using melt inclusions and phase equilibria鈥. Mineralogy and Petrology 104, 29-42.
Lima A., De Vivo B., Spera F. J., Bodnar R.J., Milia A., Belkin H.E., Cannatelli C., (2009) 鈥淭hermodynamic model for uplift and deflation episodes (bradyseism) associated with magmatic鈥揾ydrothermal activity at the Campi Flegrei (Italy)鈥. Earth-Science Reviews 97, 44-58.
Cannatelli C., Lima A., Bodnar R.J., De Vivo B., Webster J.D., (2007) Geochemistry of melt inclusions from the Fondo Riccio and Minopoli 1 eruptions at Campi Flegrei (Italy). Chemical Geology 237(3-4), 418-432.
Bodnar R.J., Cannatelli C., De Vivo B., Lima A., Belkin H.E., Milia A. (2007) Quantitative model for magma degassing and ground deformation (bradyseism) at Campi Flegrei, Italy: Implications for future eruptions. Geology 35(9), 791鈥794.
Cannatelli C. (2007) 鈥淕eochemical Study of Campi Flegrei Eruptive Products (Fondo Riccio and Minopoli 1) by microthermometry and microanalysis of melt inclusions鈥. Plinius 33, 62-67.