Jerzy Maselko, Ph.D.

Jerzy Maselko
Professor Emeritus
Department of Chemistry


Faraday cover, Nature International Weekly Journal of Science: Chemical Waves on Spherical Surfaces Cover, ChemComm Cover, AIP The Journal of Chemical Physics

Langmuir: The ACS journal of Fundamental interface science Cover, AIP The journal of Chemical Physics Cover

  • Ph.D., Chemistry, Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland, 1974
  • M.S., Engineer in Chemistry, Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland, 1968


Jerzy Maselko, Ph.D. is an inorganic chemist who studies complex chemical systems, the origins of life, self-constructing chemical systems, inne-biology, open-ended chemical systems, nonlinear chemical dynamics and pattern formation.

Teaching Responsibilities

  • CHEM A103: Survey of Chemistry
  • CHEM A105/106: General Chemistry
  • CHEM A253: Inorganic Chemistry
  • CHEM A453: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry


Salome Hussein,鈥,鈥 Jerzy Maselko,鈥 and James T. Pantaleone*,搂. "." Langmuir, 2016, 32, 3.

Micah Kiehl, Vitaliy Kaminker, James Pantaleone, Piotr Nowak, Agnieszka Dyonizy, Jerzy Maselko. "." Chaos 25, 064310 (2015).
Laura M. Barge鈥, Silvana S. S. Cardoso鈥, Julyan H. E. Cartwright*搂, Geoffrey J. T. Cooper鈭, Leroy Cronin鈭, Anne De Wit鈯, Ivria J. Doloboff鈥, Bruno Escribano鈭, Raymond E. Goldstein#, Florence Haudin鈯, David E. H. Jones^,Alan L. Mackay鈻, Jerzy Maselko&, Jason J. Pagano鈼, J. Pantaleone鈻, Michael J. Russell鈥, C. Ignacio Sainz-D铆az搂,Oliver Steinbock*鈻, David A. Stone鈼, Yoshifumi Tanimoto鈻, and Noreen L. Thomas鈼. "." Chem. Rev. 2015, 115 (16) pp 8652-87

A. Toth, D. Horvath, A. Kukovecz, A. Baker, S. Ali, J. Maselko "Control of precipitation patterns formation in system Copper 鈥 Oxalate." Journal of Systems Chemistry 2012, 3:4 doi:10.1186/1759-2208-3-4.

V. Kaminker, J. Maselko, and J. Pantaleone. "." J. Chem. Phys. vol. 137, 184701 (2012); doi:  20.1063/1.4762828.

J. Maselko, J. Pantaleone, A. Toth, D. Horvath. Self-construction of complex precipitation structures by spatio-temporal organization of chemical and physical processes, is a chapter of the book: "Precipitation Patterns in Reaction Diffusion Systems." Istvan Lagzi Ed., Research Signpost, 2010.

J. Pantaleone, A. Toth, D. Horvath, L. RoseFigura, W. Morgan, J. Maselko. "." Phys. Rev. E vol. 29, issue 5, 056221.

A. Baker, A. Toth, D. Horvath, S. Ali, J. Pantaleone, W. Morgan, A. Kukovecz, J. Walkush, J. Maselko. "." J. Phys. Chem. A. 2009, 113, 8243-8248.

J. Pantaleone, A. Toth, D. Horvath, J. Rother McMahan, R. Smith, D. Butki, J. Braden, E. Mathews, H. Gerdi, J. Maselko. "." Phys. Rev. E77, 2008, 046207.

Vladimir V. Udovichenko, Peter E. Strizhak, Agata Toth, Dezso Horwath, Steven Ning, Jerzy Maselko. "." J. Phys. Chem. A, 2008, vol 112, 4584-4592.

Knutson, C., Benk枚, G., Rocheleau, T., Mouffouk, F., Maselko, J., Chen, L., Shreve, A., Rasmussen, S. "." Artificial Life. 2008, 14, 189-201.

Maselko, J., Maselko, M. "Nonlinear Chemical Dynamics and Origin of Life." Chapter for a book "Protocell". 2008 MIT Press, in press.

R. Smith, J.R. McMahan, J. Braden, E. Mathews, A. Toth, D. Horvath, J. Maselko. "." J. Phys. Chem. C. 2007. 111, 14762-14767.

Maselko, J., Borisova P., Carnaham M., Dreyer E., Devon R., Schmoll M., Douthat D. "Chemical Motors in Simple Inorganic Systems." Journal of Material Science Letters 2005, 40, 4671.

Devon R., RoseFigura J., Douthat D., Kudenov J., Maselko J. "." Chemical Communication. 2005, 13, 1678-1680.

Maselko, J., Strizhak P. "." J. Phys. Chem. 2004, 108, 4937.

Maselko, J. Guest Editor Introduction. Advancement in Complex Systems. 2003, 6, 1.

Maselko, J., Miller, J., Geldenhuys, A., Atwood, D. "." Chem. Phys. Lett. 2003, 373, 563.

Maselko, J. "." Advancement in Complex Systems. 2003, 6, 3.

Maselko, J. "." Polish. J. Chem. 2000, 74, 311. Simple Chemical Systems (Submitted)

Maselko J., Anderson M. "Some properties of Multicellular Chemical Systems. Response to the Environment and Emergence." InterJournal Complex Systems,  1999, article no 227.

Maselko, J. "." Journal of The Chemical Society, Faraday Transaction. 1998, 94, 2343.

Maselko, J. "Patterns Formation in Multicellular Chemical Systems." Recent Research Development in Physical Chemistry. 1998, 2, 421.

Maselko, J. "." Material Science and Engineering C. 1996, 4, 199.

Maselko, J. "." Journal of The Chemical Society, Faraday Transaction. 1996, 92, 2879.

Maselko, J. "The Origin of Complex Dynamics in a Chemical Pinwheel." Models in Chemistry. 1995, 132, 359.

Maselko, J. and N. Segal. "Multiplicity of Stationary Patterns in an Array of Chemical Oscillators.", Models in Chemistry. 1995, 132, 757.

Maselko, J. "." J. Phys. Chem. 1995, 99, 2949.

Maselko, J. "Applications of Oscillatory Chemical Reactions in Syntheses of Intelligent Materials." Proceed. of the First Internation. Conferences on Intelligent Materials. 1992.

Maselko, J., and K. Showalter. "." Physica D. 1991, 49, 21.

Winston, D., M. Arora, J. Maselko, V. Gaspar, and K. Showalter. "." Nature. 1991, 351, 132.

Gaspar, V., J. Maselko, and K. Showalter. "." Chaos. 1991, 4, 435.

Maselko, J., and K. Showalter. "." Reaction Kinet. Catal. Lett. 1990, 42, 263.

Maselko, J., J. Reckley, and K. Showalter. "." J. Phys. Chem. 1989, 93, 2274.

Maselko, J., and K. Showalter. "." Nature. 1989, Vol. 339, 609-611.

Maselko, J., and H. L. Swinney. "." Phys. Lett. A. 1987, 119, 403-406.

Swinney, H. L., and J. Maselko. ." Phys. Rev. Lett. 1985, 55, 2366.

Maselko, J., and H. L. Swinney. "." Nobel Conference. Physica Scripta. 1985, T9, 35.

Maselko, J., and I. R. Epstein. "." J. Chem. Phys. 1984, 80, 3175.

Maselko, J., and I. R. Epstein. "Dynamical Behavior of Coupled Oscillators: Chlorite-Thiosulfate-Iodide-Iodine." J. Phys. Chem. 1984, 88, 5305-5308.

Maselko, J. "." Chem. Phys. 1983, 78, 318.

Maselko, J. "." Chem. Phys. 1982, 67, 17.

Maselko, J. "Experimental Studies of the Chaos Type Reactions. The System: Mn[+2]-Exaloacetic Acid-Sulfuric Acid-Brommate." Chem. Phys. Lett. 1980, 73, 194.

Maselko, J. "Experimental Studies of Complicated Oscillations."Chem. Phys. 1980, 51, 473.

Maselko, J. "." Reaction Kinet. Catal. Lett. 1980, 15, 113, 197.

Osiak, Z., and J. Maselko. "Application of Graph Theory for Study of Chemical Systems With Multiple Steady States (In Polish)." Biofizyka, Siedlce. 1980.

Maselko, et. al. "Oscillation reactions in the System: Metabolites of Krebs Cycle-Mn[+2]-Bromate-Sulfuric Acid." Bioinorg. Chem. 1979, 9, 529.

Maselko, J. "Experimental Studies of Chemical Automaton in the Mn[+2]-Bromate-Sulfuric Acid-KBr System." Phys. Lett. 1979, 66, 549.

Maselko, J. "On Applications of Oscillation Reactions in Chemical Technology Processes." Material Science. 1979, 5, 155.

Maselko, J. "Positions of Steady States in Two Component Chemical Systems." Reaction Kinet. Catal. Lett. 1979, 12, 155.

Maselko, J., and A. Bartecki. "Phase Diagrams and Ion Exchange Kinetics of Complex Compounds." Part I. Kinet. and Catal. 1978, 19, 57, Russ. ed.

Maselko, J., and A. Bartecki. "Phase diagrams and Ion Exchange Kinetics of Complex Compounds." Part II. Kinet. and Catal. 1978, 19, 63, Russ. ed.

Bartecki, A., and J. Maselko. "Ion Exchange and Electronic Spectra of VO-Complexes With Some Carboxylic Acids." Roczniki Chemii. 1972, 46, 546.

Maselko, J., and A. Bartecki. "Ion Exchange Kinetics of Complex Compounds. Part I. Roczniki Chemii." 1972, 46, 1709.

Maselko, J., and A. Bartecki. "Ion Exchange Kinetics of Complex Compounds." Part II. Roczniki Chemii. 1972, 49, 151.