Elections and Nominations

Get involved.  Be an active member of the university community.  Join your fellow Staff Council by nominating yourself or a fellow co-worker.

Staff Council Member Expectations

As a member of the Staff Council, you will have to meet the following:

Membership Term

Members are elected for a two-year term. 

Meeting Attendance

Be present at meetings so that you remain informed for your constituents.  Members who are in Anchorage are highly encouraged to attend the meetings in person. Absence from three meetings within the academic year without appropriate notice is cause for dismissal from Council. Prior notice about an absence should be directed to the co-presidents and/or Governance Office.

Service on a Committee

The work of Staff Council is accomplished through committees. A committee structure is a time- honored way to spread the responsibilities among all members. You are required to serve on one standing committee during your second year, but you are free to serve on additional committees.

Communication with Constituents

Members should make themselves known to their constituents and be willing to hear concerns, receive information and suggestions, and communicate these effectively to the Council. In turn, members must keep their constituents well informed of the work of the Council and matters that the administration wishes to communicate to the Council.

Time Commitment

Members are expected to attend the two-hour monthly Council meetings.  Additional time away from their job will be required if a member participates on a committee as well as assisting on Council events.  Also, member must take in account amount of time for driving and parking.

Supervisor鈥檚 Support

The supervisor understands that should the employee be elected, he/she will be required to take time away from his/her regular job duties in order to effectively serve on the Staff Council.  They support his/her nomination and agrees to allow required time away from his/her regular job duties to fulfill his/her Council commitment.


Nominations are accepted year round with annual elections occurring every May and new members taking office July 1st. 

Nomination Form

Please complete one nomination form per person.